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Mermaid, Temporary tattoo

You can apply our temporary tattoos in just a few minutes and bring a lot of joy with them.
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95,00 Kč
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Skladem (11 ks)
catalogue number: K0051ZA
EAN: 8594203692893
warranty:24 měsíců
benefit points:5
standard price:95,00 Kč
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Great fun for all kids - decorate your hands, feet, faces, or even noses :-)

You can apply our temporary tattoos in just a few minutes and bring a lot of joy with them.

Of course, they have all the necessary certifications for children aged 3 and up. Just please don't put them on injured skin.

The image will last on the skin for about a week, depending on many factors, as you know :-)

Sheet size: 10.5 x 14.5 cm

Author: Kateřina Svozilová


  1. Cut out the image (a small border around the image can remain)

  2. Peel off the transparent protective film; be careful not to touch the adhesive on the image with your fingers

  3. Press the image onto the chosen spot on the skin (the spot should be clean, not too oily)

  4. Moisten the tattoo (with a sponge, a damp cloth)

  5. Remove the moistened paper from the image

  6. Gently dry the tattoo (by patting, not rubbing), you can dust it with powder"

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